Thursday, January 31, 2008

Peter & Fran

According to their biography...they have "over 500 songs written and are just waiting to be discovered." Here are some wonderful photos of the band...

By Day...

By Night...

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I'm sure they have a great live show! Check em out on MySpace!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

First Post

It's always difficult to begin something new. Which is why we've procrastinated so long on populating this wonderful blog with all the great content out there on the web. But the wait is over. After monkey boy came across this video yesterday I could not resist adding it to it's place in history, as the very first post on Hits Galore.

The fine folks from "Freakhouse" have brought to you, through us, their fine effort, "Liars, Inc. as heard on Dell Computers". Now, I don't have a Dell, so I'm going to have to settle for "Liars, Inc. as heard on Apple Power Mac G5". I know it's not as exciting but it's all I can offer right now.

While impressive, the extreme onslaught of special effects makes me nervous for the well being of this band, we all know what happened to Peter Petrelli.