Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ken Lee

If you're anything like me, you're utterly restless during American Idol's 9 month hiatus. Perhaps you're also infatuated with Ryan Seacrest. No? Ok, so that's probably just me. Good news, y'all! We've found the perfect substitute: Bulgarian Idol! Check out this clip featuring Valentina Hasan covering a classic Mariah Carey track. American what? Randy, Paula, and who? Who cares!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

It's Gonna Take a Whole Lot of Precious Time

to get this out of my head now. Even the greats aren't exempt. I don't remember this video. I don't know how I ever forgot about it. But George Harrison in a chair, with everything in the background moving to the beat, it's pure genius. Blows all his work as a Beatle completely out of the water.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Basically, this sucks.

So as of this afternoon, Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Bros have singles in the top 5 on iTunes Top Songs chart. From the 30 second samples I've heard, they probably deserve their success. Now I'm not ashamed to admit my affinity for a good major label/corporate hit (ie: NKOTB's comeback "Summertime"...mmm, delicious pop candy), but one Disney teen missing from the top 10 (sitting at #83) is Vanessa Hudgens, whose "Sneakernight" song/video make me want to put my sneakers on...and kick someone right in the face.

Monday, March 24, 2008

This Guy Is From Oxnard

While you're there, checkout I go there to discover new talent. Really. For this blog.

Monday, February 25, 2008

More Distortion Please!

Close your eyes. Imagine for a moment you are driving down the street, windows down, it's a beautiful day outside. You stop at a light and a car pulls up next to you. Maybe it's a Honda, maybe it's a Toyota Celica. It's probably dark grey or dark blue. Maybe the right fender is rusted. Maybe it has a rear bumper, maybe it doesn't. Probably missing a hub cap or two. There's loud music blaring from it's speakers. The bass is turned up, the speakers are blown... congratulations, you have entered the world of Grey Water!

"Black Magic Lovin" is only 99 cents!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Wish I Was Madonna

we wish we were Cardona wishing we were Madonna.

(give this video time to load, it's worth the wait.)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Redneck Yacht Club

Zimmerman's last post got me thinking a lot about country music. I'm not sure why embedding this video was disabled, but the click through is certainly worth the time:

Bring On the CHEESE!

I'm not sure what's worse...the video or the song...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Google Me?

Let it not be said that this blog solely attacks indie artists that can't defend themselves. The major labels, for all the millions of dollars and thousands of college degrees, are still not able to put out better music than your average Hits Galore act. And we're here to shine a very bright spotlight on that. Case in point - up and coming Interscope Records recording artist Teyana Taylor:

(Please do yourself a favor and wait for the hook)

I'm waiting for the remix, hopefully titled "Are You F&%$ing Kidding Me?"

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Why Must We Laugh??

Could be the worst music video....EVER. I had to stop the video after ten seconds just to regroup. It's gonna be hard to top this one.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Peter & Fran

According to their biography...they have "over 500 songs written and are just waiting to be discovered." Here are some wonderful photos of the band...

By Day...

By Night...

Image Hosted by

I'm sure they have a great live show! Check em out on MySpace!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

First Post

It's always difficult to begin something new. Which is why we've procrastinated so long on populating this wonderful blog with all the great content out there on the web. But the wait is over. After monkey boy came across this video yesterday I could not resist adding it to it's place in history, as the very first post on Hits Galore.

The fine folks from "Freakhouse" have brought to you, through us, their fine effort, "Liars, Inc. as heard on Dell Computers". Now, I don't have a Dell, so I'm going to have to settle for "Liars, Inc. as heard on Apple Power Mac G5". I know it's not as exciting but it's all I can offer right now.

While impressive, the extreme onslaught of special effects makes me nervous for the well being of this band, we all know what happened to Peter Petrelli.